Subject Code & Title : 11400 Professional Orientation Health
Value: 20% of final grade
Word limit : 600 words (excluding references)
Assessment Type : Essay Industry Analysis
11400 Professional Orientation Health Assignment – Australia.

Context :
This task involves analysing an industry you may want to enter after you graduate or that you are already part of, and intend to continue in.
Depending on your situation you might :
a) have a very clear idea of your intended health field, and can use this task to learn more about that profession, or clarify assumptions you may have about it;
b) or, if you are not sure yet about your exact direction, you can briefly investigate several potential health fields/professions and then use this task as a focus to examine one possible choice in greater detail.
You will examine the skills, qualities and values that will be necessary to become, and continue as, a successful health professional in your chosen field.
Task :
This assignment should be written in an essay style using full sentences and paragraphs. Use headings and sub-headings as appropriate for clarity. You must include an appropriate in-text citation and referencing style for academic writing at university. Your tutor will advise which referencing style you should use in your essay.
In your essay, you should address both of the following two (2) sections. Several guiding questions
have been included in each section below to help prompt your thinking. You do not need to address
every single question – they are intended to give you a sense of what kind of information and engagement your markers will be seeking.
Remember to look at the marking rubric itself (available on UC Learn) to see how you will be assessed.
1.The Industry (~300 words) – Present an analysis of an industry you may work in when you graduate (or in which you currently work and intend to continue in), giving a clear sense of its place in society and/or some significant influences that shape that industry. For example:
1. Which industry do you aspire to work in after you graduate?
2. What does this industry do? What kind of contribution does it make to society? Does it have specific aims involving the inclusion of Indigenous communities?
3.What associations or peak bodies represent or oversee this industry? How is it viewed by the broader public?
4. How many people are involved in the industry? What kinds of roles or professions do they have? How has this industry grown or changed since it was first established?
2.Professional Skills (~300 words) – Focus on a specific profession within the industry, and describe
the skills, qualities, attitudes or knowledge that are valued in that profession and are required to be successful.
a.Are there requirements for professionals within this industry? (eg.) Competency standards, Code of Conduct Code of Ethics, and or Registration or Accreditation standards. What education or qualifications are necessary to enter this profession?
b. What do professionals within the field say are valued or necessary to be successful?
Interviews with a variety of professionals have been recorded for this unit and are available on Canvas or you might interview a health professional in the field, or search YouTube to get started. You should also search the literature for credible research papers to support your arguments.
c. You might find it useful to look at current job advertisements for the field you aspire to, and consider the essential and desirable skills and qualifications.
You must follow academic integrity principles and cite appropriately at university. The points below are non-optional.
• Ensure information given or statements you’ve made are based on evidence from credible sources and are clearly referenced using appropriate academic citation methods.
• You must include formal references for this task, both in-text and within a reference list at the end of your essay.
• Consult a wide variety of sources of information. As a guide, use at least six different reputable sources.
• Referencing style – check with your tutor.
11400 Professional Orientation Health Assignment – Australia.

What happens if I don’t submit my assignment on time?
The University of Canberra has a standard penalty of 5% per calendar day late. This means you will be penalised 5% of the possible mark per day you submit late. As this assignment is out of 20, that means you will lose 1 mark per day. So, if you achieve 15/20 (75%), but submitted 2 days late, you would be penalised 10% of the mark for this task which would result in a final mark of 13/20 (65%).
After 7 days have passed from the due date for an assignment no marks can be granted for the task
and it is considered non-attempted.
If you are experiencing extenuating circumstances (eg. illness, accident, etc) that mean you cannot
complete your assignment on time, you are encouraged to apply for an extension of the submission
date. Please note that applying for an extension is not a guarantee your extension request will be
The application form is available on the Canvas site for this unit under the Assignment Module named ‘Extension Request for Assignment 1’. Please follow the instructions carefully.
You will need to upload:
1.A filled-in copy of the Extension Form.
2.Your supporting documentation (e.g. Medical Certificates, Police Reports, etc.)
Note: If you are registered with Inclusion & Engagement, and have a Recommended Adjustment Plan (RAP), you will need to provide this as supporting documentation before recommendations for extensions can be recognised.
You will also be penalised 5% per day late if you have not submitted evidence that you have completed the AIM module.
How should I present my assignment?
It is recommended that you use a size 12 font and choose a professional looking typeface to assist the readability of your submission. Some suggestions are Calibri, Arial, Cambria, Garamond and Times New Roman.
You should include a cover sheet with the name of the unit and title of the assignment, for example,
Assignment 1: Industry Analysis, your student number, date of submission and word count. You should not include your name.
Thorough proof reading always benefits your paper. Grammatical errors detract from your message.
Help is available at Study Skills or Studiosity – see Resources section of Canvas
Review the appropriate UC Library Referencing Guide for assistance in compiling your in-text citations and reference list.
Will I lose marks if I go over/under the word limit?
In the rubric there is a mark for the clarity of your written expression, which refers to being both clear and concise. The word limit is there as a guide for you on how much you should be writing to both cover the topic adequately and avoid an unnecessarily lengthy response. If your submission is substantially over or substantially under the word limit it is unlikely you would have achieved both a clear and concise written structure, and you would certainly be marked down for that aspect.
Do I have to upload a draft copy for text-matching (plagiarism) checking?
No. This option has been provided so you are able to view your Original Report prior to submission, and is strongly recommended. You can upload to a draft submission to check for text-matching as many times as you like. These submissions will not be marked or viewed by your assessors. Your formal submission in the Assignment Dropbox will automatically be checked via Original upon submission and an Original Report generated that is accessible by the assessors.
11400 Professional Orientation Health Assignment – Australia.

How do the markers ensure consistency across the different student groups?
The teaching team and undertake a pre-moderation exercise before marking commences. Assessments are moderated after marking to ensure marking is consistent and equitable. A selection of assignments are double marked as per the Faculty of Health moderation guidelines.
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