The assessment items in this Unit are designed to enable you to demonstrate that you have achieved the Unit learning outcomes. Completion and submission of all assessment items which have been designated as mandatory or compulsory is essential to receive a passing grade.
102098 Contemporary Teacher Leadership Presentation Reflection Assignment-Western Sydney University AU.
To pass this Unit you must:
All assessment items are mandatory. Each assignment requires a pass or higher to complete this unit. Attendance is required for 80% of all lectures and tutorials in order to fulfil NSW NESA professional program accreditation.Tutorials and lectures are designed to scaffold your learning and assist you to complete your assessment tasks. You should endeavour to attend all scheduled classes. If there is a legitimate reason for an absence then the tutor should be emailed as a courtesy to explain the absence and relevant medical evidence provided. Attendance rolls will be taken to verify attendance.
Assessment Details
Weight: 40%
Type of Collaboration: Both (Individual & Group)
Due: Final Submission of assignment 1 (project proposal video -10 minutes and critical reflection- 1000 words) Monday,23rd August, 2021 11:59 pm.
Submission: Proposal: Draft school improvement proposal Monday 9th August 11:59 pm; final submission proposal,Video ( 10 minutes) & critical reflection ( 1000 words) Monday,23rd August, 2021 11:59 pm.
Student Declaration: I am aware that this work may be de-identified and reproduced in part or in full as an example for future students and for course accreditation.
Part One: Group Presentation
A) The completed project-based proposal proforma containing the context and strands,background literature, implementation process (with a Gantt chart), data collection, and analysis protocols to determine the success of the project’s outcomes. The proposal needs to be approved by your tutor before the video is undertaken.
B) Construct a 10 minute edited video showcase presenting your group in action as a collaborative team (ULO1, ULO3,). The video should:
a. Consider the importance of teacher led development in school improvement projects.
b. Use your project as the centre of the video.
c. Be accessible online and able to be copied for assessment purposes.
Part Two: Individual Critical Reflection Your individual critical reflection should
a. Be a professional appraisal of your professional identity (roles, responsibilities and personal attributes being a change agent within a community of practice. (ULO 1; ULO4; ULO 6)
b. Exemplify the application of theory to analyse practice within the concept of school change and teacher led development. (ULO3; ULO5; ULO 6)
102098 Contemporary Teacher Leadership Presentation Reflection Assignment-Western Sydney University AU.
Length: 20 minutes (Group: 20% – Individual: 20%)
Curriculum Mode: Reflection
This assignment requires you to: Present a showcase on how a Community of Practice would achieve improvements in school culture within one of the experiential learning strands listed below:
Assignment 2 Part One: Group Presentation (ULO1: ULO 3) – Undertake a project based learning proposal supporting school improvement as approved by your tutor.
- Develop the design process to undertake action research; an implementation timeline; resources required; product you intend to achieve; a continuous improvement for effective schooling.
- Present your proposal using the proforma provided to your tutor with the list of your team, school represented and clear measurable outcomes you anticipate and how you intend to evaluate them. Draft Proposal due to your tutor Monday 9th August for apporval.
- Construct a 10 minute video using Zoom (where practicable) presenting your group in action as a collaborative team that reflects both visual and audio evidence of process and progress in team development.
- Ensure that your video is presented in a professional, edited and polished manner.Assignment 2 Part Two: Individual Critical Reflection Your individual critical reflection should be:
102098 Contemporary Teacher Leadership Presentation Reflection Assignment-Western Sydney University AU.
a. Be a professional appraisal of your professional identity (roles, responsibilities and personal attributes being a change agent within a community of practice. (ULO 1; ULO 4; ULO 6)
b. Exemplify the application of theory within the unit to analyse practice within the concept of school change and teacher led development. (ULO3; ULO5; ULO 6)
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