Task overview
Brief task description:
• Strategic Priority Area 1.1 (Promote health and reduce risk),
• Strategic Priority Area 2.1 (Active Engagement) and
• Objective 3 – Target priority populations of the National Strategic Framework for Chronic Conditions and identify and describe how you would assess, intervene, and evaluate care for the case study Mrs Anya Strico.
Length: 1500 words (+/-10%). Word count includes in-text referencing and excludes the reference list
Weighting:Weighting 25% of overall course
Course Objectives measured: Course Learning Objective 1.
NUR2102 Promote Health And Reduce Risk Nursing Assignment

Rationale for assessment task:
This assessment will develop clinical reasoning skills and demonstrate the application of models of evidence-based care to work collaboratively with individuals with chronic conditions. It will develop theoretical concepts to assess, plan and intervene and evaluate care for people with a chronic condition. The assessment will develop graduates who are; well informed individuals who can integrate and apply knowledge and relevant nursing skills Employable, nursing professionals who are confident, resourceful and adaptable to the changing health care environment.
Task detail:
Step 1: Read the case study of Mrs Anya Strico as provided on page six of this task sheet.
Step 2: Read the National Strategic Framework for Chronic Conditions via the link provided in the Resources available to complete the task section below.
Focus your reading on Strategic Priority Area 1.1 (Promote health and reduce risk Strategic Priority Area 2.1 (Active Engagement) and Objective 3 – Target priority populations of the National Strategic Framework for Chronic Conditions.
Step 3:
Using the information provided in the case study and supported by the best available evidence, apply the National Strategic Framework for Chronic Conditions Strategic Priority Areas 1.1, 2.1 and Objective 3 – Target priority populations in essay format responding to the following criteria:
Assignment criteria:
Criteria One.
Identify the risk factors for Mrs Anya Strico and clearly explain why these are risk factors for her. The discussion must be linked to the National Strategic Framework for Chronic Conditions Strategic Priority Area 1.1 (Promote health and reduce risk).
Criteria Two.
Using the best available evidence identify the nursing assessments that are required to be conducted for Mrs Anya Strico and the rationale for each of these.
Criteria Three
Using the best available evidence and demonstrating links to the National Strategic Framework for Chronic Conditions Objective 3 – Target priority populations, discuss why Mrs Anya Strico may be identified as being a priority population and the impact this may have on her chronic condition self-management.
Criteria Four
Using the best available evidence, discuss the self-management priorities that would be developed in collaboration with Mrs Anya Strico. These should consider health promotion and reducing the risk of complications (Strategic Priority Area 1.1) and demonstrate links to the risk factors identified in Criteria One.
Criteria Five.
With support from the best available evidence, explain how goal setting may impact on Mrs Anya Strico actively engaging in her care (Strategic Priority Area 2.1).
NUR2102 Promote Health And Reduce Risk Nursing Assignment
Writing Style:
1.This assessment piece will be written in the form of an academic essay with references of relevant peer reviewed articles.
2.An introduction and conclusion are required
3.Write in full grammatical sentences
4.Use correct spelling and punctuation
5.Paragraph format is required. Dot/bullet points or numbered lists are not
6.Keep your writing formal and in third person.
7.Express your ideas clearly and concisely
8.Express your ideas clearly and concisely
- For this assessment you will use APA 7th referencing style.
- Sources: the majority of the references contained within your reference list must be no older than 6 years old.
- In text citations: You must include in text citations in the body of your work. Each new point or piece of evidence must be attributed (via in-text citation) to the source.
Formatting Style:
Assessments must be presented as follows.
1.Microsoft word document format (do not submit as a pdf document)
2.Double Line Spacing with page numbers to be provided
3.Times New Roman, 12-point font
4.Use APA 7 formatting style. The first line of each paragraph is indented. The reference list starts on a new page with the heading “References”What you need to submit
What you need to submit
- One Microsoft Word document that contains the following items:Please use the
Written Assignment Criteria Marking Rubric to guide you, but do not submit the
Written Assignment Criteria Marking Rubric with your assessment.
Submission requirements:
This assessment is to be submitted electronically via the Written Assignment Submission link on the NUR2102 Study Desk. It must be submitted in electronic format as a Microsoft document via Turnitin. The Turnitin process may take up to 24 hours to produce a report. Therefore, allow adequate time to do this and address any issues of plagiarism detected by Turnitin before final submission.
- This task will be moderated against the Written Assignment Criteria Marking Rubric available on the Study Desk.
- All staff who are assessing your work meet to discuss and compare their marking before marks or grades are finalised. A rigorous moderation process is undertaken for this course; hence no remarking of assessment pieces will be considered.
- Final release of grades will normally be within three weeks o submission. This time frame applies for any approvals for an extension of time commencing at the time of submission.
NUR2102 Promote Health And Reduce Risk Nursing Assignment

Case Study Mrs XXX :
Mrs XXX is a retired 75-year-old widower who is originally from Croatia. She has an eight (8)-year history of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Her past medical history includes increasing breathlessness frequent respiratory infections chest tightness a chronic productive cough persistent wheezing pitting oedema in the lower extremities exercise intolerance fatigue and a lack of energy. At the time of diagnosis, she was advised to lose weight (at least 5kg) as her BMI was 30 and to attend Pulmonary Rehabilitation, but no further action was taken. Mrs XXX lives in a rural and remote area that is 150 kms from the nearest tertiary hospital medical centre, and Pulmonary Rehabilitation Clinic. English is her second language.
Mrs XXX presented to her nearest General Practitioner (GP) with another chest infection. Mrs XXX presents with a productive cough with green sputum, breathlessness, fatigue, pitting oedema in the lower extremities, confusion, chest tightness and wheezing. She has visited her GP three or four times a year with similar symptoms for the past three years. Her last COPD plan was reviewed was nine months ago, where she was advised to cease smoking, given a prescription for Varenicline tartrate but relapsed after a week, and did not return for a follow-up appointment. Mrs XXX has been wanting to lose weight and increase her exercise tolerance over the past 12 months, but states that she lacks motivation.
Mrs XXX is prescribed an a short acting Beta2-agonist (reliever) inhaler and a long acting Beta2-agonist inhaler (maintenance). She tolerates these medications but admits that she regularly forgets to take these medications and can never remember which medication to take during a COPD flare-up. She routinely runs out of these medications as the nearest pharmacy is 150 kms away.
Mrs XXX husband died 8 years ago, and she has been receiving an aged care pension since that time. Mrs XXX manages at home by herself she refuses social help and is adamant that she does not want to leave the home that she has lived in for 30 years. She reluctantly relies on her nearest neighbour to travel with, as it is 150 kms to the closest metropolitan centre for food, health care services and other essentials. Mrs XXX used to be very active as a volunteer in the small community she resides in however, she now finds that she is too exhausted to keep this up. Mrs XXX states that she now has nothing to do and feels isolated and lonely. She has no children or living relatives in Australia. Although she is aware that her father had COPD Mrs XXX has limited knowledge regarding the management of this condition and states that she thought little could be done to slow the progression COPD.
NUR2102 Promote Health And Reduce Risk Nursing Assignment
During the last year Mrs XXX has gained 6kg and has become less physically active. She has never seen a dietician and her diet consists mostly of snacks and packaged meals that are high in salt and saturated fat. Since her husband’s death, Mrs XXX has been consuming more alcohol (approximately 14 standard drinks per week).
As XXX is unable to regularly travel the distance to her closest medical centre or tertiary hospital, she only has occasional medical check-ups and her medical records indicate that that her exacerbations of COPD have increased over the last three years.
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