EDU10024 Academic Skills For Success Assessment – Swinburne University Australia.

Subject Code & Title: EDU10024 Academic Skills For Success
Word limit: 600 (+/- 10%) 
Weighting: 25%
Assignment Type: Assessment
After you have read this information, head over to the Assignment 2 Q&A discussion board to ask any questions and see what your peers are saying about this assignment.
EDU10024 Academic Skills For Success Assessment – Swinburne University Australia.

EDU10024 Academic Skills For Success Assessment - Swinburne University Australia.

Assignment Overview:

Assignment Details:
This assignment is supported by a range of activities including:

You will need to search for three articles (not included in the learning materials) that you can use to inform your response to the essay topic. Be critical in your selection—choosing articles that make great proposals of which you can use in your essay response will save you time as you prepare Assignment 3 in later weeks. The following steps will help you get started on this assignment.

Step 1: Choose an essay topic
Choose the essay topic that interests you the most. You will use this essay topic for both Assignment 2 and 3. The following links will take you to readings, resources and tips for each topic:

  • Essay topic 1 (family structure): The idea of family has changed a lot in recent decades. What are some of the factors that have brought about these changes? Is society better off for the changes that have occurred?
  • Essay topic 2 (family and work): Advocates of mobile technology say that it has helped solve the problems of work-life balance for employees in Australia. How much is this true?
  • Essay topic 3 (family and technology): Mobile technology has changed the way families relate to each other. What are some of the more significant patterns that have been identified?  Are these changes for the better?
  • Essay topic 4 (family and relationships): There has been a lot of discussion about the impact COVID-19 restrictions and lock downs have had on relationships. What are some of the significant impacts on family and relationships? Do you see any positives to have come from this time?
EDU10024 Academic Skills For Success Assessment - Swinburne University Australia.

EDU10024 Academic Skills For Success Assessment – Swinburne University Australia.

In Assignment 3: Essay you are required to choose one side of your chosen topic and discuss it by providing details and evidence from the articles you have selected. Therefore, when selecting your articles, make sure that they support whichever side you will argue in your essay.

For topics 3 and 4, you may have difficulty finding adequate Australian research and might need to source research from outside Australia. Contact your eLA if you have any questions about sourcing your research.

Step 2: Find your three articles for analysis
To get started on your research for the three articles that you will use for your analysis, you might want to refer to the Researching your assignment (Links to an external site.) section in the Student Hub. You can
additionally refer to 2.8 Discussion 3: Searching the library, as it will help you break your essay topic question into smaller segments and assist you in identifying key search terms that you can use in your library search.

Access and read the module relating to your particular essay topic. This will give you an introduction to the issue and a couple of key readings to get you started on this assignment.

Important: You must find three articles that are not already presented in your learning materials.

Step 3: Get started on your analysis
Download the Article analysis framework (DOC 55 KB)  Download Article analysis framework (DOC 55 KB) template to help you analyse each of the three articles to inform your response to the essay topic.This guide provides some key questions to consider how valuable each of the articles will be in
supporting your essay response. You should aim for approximately 200 words for each of your article analyses.

If you have selected your articles carefully, you will be able to incorporate parts of your analyses into the body of your essay in Assignment 3.

Note: The word count is based only on the words you contribute to the assignment through the development of the article analysis. Any words that form part of the template used for this assignment are not included in the word count.

Note: If you are unsure of how to complete the article analysis framework template, download the Article analysis framework example (PDF 186 KB)  Download Article analysis framework example (PDF 186 KB)for an example.

You might like to: the Swinburne University Library (Links to an external site.)
2. look at the reference list in each of the key readings provided in the learning materials (i.e. not the unit reference list) articles using Google Scholar (Links to an external site.) (Google, n.d.).

EDU10024 Academic Skills For Success Assessment – Swinburne University Australia.

EDU10024 Academic Skills For Success Assessment - Swinburne University Australia.

Hint: If you find yourself stuck on searching the library, you might like to revisit 2.8 Discussion 3: Searching the library for some ideas.

Supporting resources:
The following resources will be useful in the preparation of this assignment:

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