Subject Code & Title :- ECSFC401A Advocacy Social Justice And Professional Ethics
Assessment Type :- Assignment
Research Task
Words: 1500 only (Reference list not counted)
ECSFC401A Advocacy Social Justice And Professional Ethics Assignment – Australia

Question: For this assessment you will need to: Choose ONLY one (1) topic from the topics given below;
1.Refugee resettlement and/or asylum seekers
2.Diverse belief systems (religion, spirituality)
3.Children of war
4.Racial colorblindness in early childhood
5.Gender-typing in early childhood
Student instructions: Expert please choose ONE topic from above for the research task. Please share with me what topic you have chosen to do the research task.
ECSFC401A Advocacy Social Justice And Professional Ethics Assignment – Australia
a. Question: After selecting ONE topic, locate two (2) academic journal articles published with in the last 10 years. Then utilising the academic writing requirements of an annotated bibliography you are to write TWO critical annotations for each article.
Student instructions: Expert before beginning the task PLEASE share the two academic journal articles with me on the topic you have selected.
Student instructions: Expert the two annotated bibliographies should be written EXACTLY as the given example by me. Please refer to the document. PLEASE ensure to cover and include all the EIGHT POINTS as shown in different colors in the annotated bibliography example.
ECSFC401A Advocacy Social Justice And Professional Ethics Assignment – Australia

1. Question: Finally create an accessible informative and engaging handout for educators that includes pedagogies strategies and resources that educators can use in their practice Based on the TOPIC you selected NB: Pedagogies strategies and resources should be related to educating children about the issue and advocating for the rights of children and families.
Student instructions: Expert you can create the hand out how ever you want. Even a fact sheet will be fine 1 A 4 page size. Doesn’t need to be pretty or include pictures. Intext references are needed. You can source a variety of information related to the topic you choose and include those in the hand out the more sources the better Even from the two articles. Need a reference list.
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