This assessment assesses a majority of Knowledge Evidence and may assess some Performance Evidence, Elements and Performance Criteria.
CHCECE019 Facilitate Compliance In Edu & Care Service Assignment-CUA.
Task 1 Description
Unit Name Facilitate compliance in an education and care service
Task 1 Locate, interpret and share information about current legislation, regulations and standards relevant to the education and care sector and monitor and support staff compliance. This assessment assesses a majority of Knowledge Evidence and may assess some Performance Evidence, Elements and Performance Criteria.
Task :- Details of this task follow. Answer all questions, in detail.
Resources required :-Class handouts and readings Internet research NT Care and Protection of Children Regulations 2007 National Quality Standards for early childhood education and care and school age care 2009
The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia 2009 My Time, Our Place draft framework for school age care 2010 Early childhood publications
Preparation :- Carefully read the guidelines for this Task listed below. Submitting your assessment :- Please submit your assessment by email. This Assessment workbook will be emailed to you to facilitate your submission. Do not forget to complete and “sign” the Assessment on submission of your assessment.
CHCECE019 Facilitate Compliance In Edu & Care Service Assignment-CUA.

Task 1: Locate, interpret and share information about current legislation, regulations and standards relevant to the education and care sector.
1. Locate the applicable legislation, regulations, and standards to answer the following questions.
a) Why was the NQF developed? What are the components and how does each one support you to provide high quality education and care in your service?
b) List the 7 quality areas in the national quality standards.
c) What is the staff:child ratio for each age group in your service and which
regulation contains this information?
d) In the national quality standards, find and record standard 1.2 and all its elements.
e) How do you verify a new employee has been screened and approved to work with children? Where do you find information about this process?
f) What early childhood qualifications are required for the staff in your service type under the national regulations?
g) Apart from specific early childhood qualifications, what other approved training must/should an educator have? Where did you find this information? Which regulation/s contain this information?
h) What are the 2 standards listed under quality standard 6?
i) What is the name of the work health and safety regulations that apply in the NT? Find Chapter 3, Part 3.1 (pages 49/50) of the current NT Workplace Health and Safety Regulations. Interpret this section and, in your own words, explain how your service implements these regulations.
j) What do the early childhood regulations state regarding outdoor play spaces? (Record only that information which is relevant to the NT).
k) Where can you find an Australian fact sheet about Playground Surfacing, dated June 2014 from a reliable and recognised safety organisation? (It must not be from a commercial website). Interpret the fact sheet and, in your own words, summarise six or seven main points.
l) How does your service meet its obligations under the National Privacy Principles?
m) Give 6 examples of how you, as an individual staff member, interpret and meet regulations in your current work role.
n) Where do you find the legislation relating to Mandatory Reporting? What is the name of the Legislation? What are your responsibilities under this legislation?
o) When unclear about the meaning of a standard or regulation, who can you approach to clarify these issues? Provide details (not names) of who you can contact, both inside the service and outside the service.
2.What external resources, organisation or systems – government and non-government – can you access to support the delivery of high quality education and care in your service?
Task 2 Description
Unit Name :- Facilitate compliance in an education and care service
Task 2 Organise and conduct an internal evaluation of your service, develop and review quality improvement plans.
Task 2 Details of this task follow. Complete each step, in order.
Resources required :- Class handouts and readings NT Care and protection of children Regulations 2007 National Quality Standards for early childhood education and care and school age care 2009 NQS Assessment and Rating Scale The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia 2009 My Time, Our Place framework for school age care 2011 Early childhood publications
Preparation :- Carefully read the guidelines for this task listed below.
CHCECE019 Facilitate Compliance In Edu & Care Service Assignment-CUA.

Task 2
Unit Name Facilitate compliance in an education and care service
Task 2 Organise and conduct an internal evaluation of your service, develop and review quality improvement plans.
Task 2 Details of this task follow. Complete each step, in order.
Resources required Class handouts and readings NT Care and protection of children Regulations 2007 National Quality Standards for early childhood education and care and school age care 2009 NQS Assessment and Rating Scale The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia 2009 My Time, Our Place framework for school age care 2011 Early childhood publications
Preparation Carefully read the guidelines for this task listed below.
Task 2: Organise and conduct an internal evaluation of your service and develop and review quality improvement plans.
This task assesses your knowledge of the National Quality Standards and your ability to organise and undertake an internal evaluation of your service including ways to seek feedback from all the different stakeholders in the organisation, how you objectively evaluate your current practice in relation to National Quality Standards and how you develop plans for improving your current practice.
Work through each of the following steps to complete this task.
1)Explain this task to your Director or Co-ordinator as s/he may guide you in choosing an area to study or what is or is not appropriate in terms of contacting stakeholders for feedback, for example.
2)Choose one Standard from the National Quality Standards for your service that you think could be improved. You could ask your Director or Co-ordinator for their thoughts on this but the decision will be based on your professional judgement.
3) a) Identify and list the groups of stakeholders from whom you should getfeedback on this Standard. Choose 10 individual stakeholders from the
different groups you have listed – these will most likely be parents, staff or
children. Identify the most efficient and effective ways to get honest, constructive, objective feedback and ideas for improvement from these stakeholders and then implement your strategies for doing so – questionnaires, focus group discussions, individual interviews, online survey etc. You must submit your questionnaires or surveys and all feedback as part of this assignment.
b) List any service records that are relevant to your Standard and that should be reviewed as part of your evidence gathering process. Review those documents and explain how they do or do not meet current regulations.
4)Collate the data you have received from your stakeholders Explain how you will share the results of your survey with staff, parents, children and other stakeholders e.g. a brief note to parents and staff, a report to management, a group discussion with older children. Submit your letters, summary of group discussion etc
5)Complete the relevant page from the National Quality Standard Assessment and Rating Instrument based on your observations of practices in the service. Record the evidence that you have gathered from your surveys. You must not repeat the wording in the Standards. Rate the Standard according to the standards in the Assessment and Rating document. Identify the rating for this standard: W M E List some ideas for improvement.
6)Brainstorm ideas for improving the rating for your Standard. What is current best practice or what are the emerging trends in education and care? Find examples on the internet (e.g. NQS PLP resources) or in early childhood journals or magazines.Make sure that you use reliable information about best practice in early childhood from recognised authorities. You might ask colleagues or parents or management or children at work or other students in class for their ideas.
List the resources that you have used to inform your improvement strategies (e.g. model policy or information from the Cancer Council or Australia’s Physical Activity Recommendations for 5-12 year olds, 2004)
7)Complete the Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) Template. List the strengths that you have identified for this standard.List the key improvements that you have identified for this standard.Complete the Improvement Plan table, and also as well as the resources that you will need to implement your improvements.
8)Print out your improvement plan and show it to your supervisor and request feedback on the plan. Your supervisor must add some comments to your plan. Scan the plan and submit.
9)Once the improvement strategies have been implemented, what is your responsibility?
1. your list of stakeholders (Step 3)
2. your questionnaires or surveys and all feedback (Step 3)
3.a list of records related to your Standard and your review of the records (Step 3)
4. your collated data and rating (Step 4)
5. a sample of the method you used to share this information with others
6.the evidence and rating page for your Standard from the National Quality Standard Assessment and Rating Instrument (Step 5)
7.The Quality Improvement Plan for your Standard including strengths, areas for improvement and your Improvement Plan with feedback from your supervisor (Steps 6-8).
8. Your responsibilities once the Quality Improvement Plan has been implemented. (Step 9)
9.Your Workplace Record Book signed by your supervisor and lecturer.
Task 3 Description
Unit Name Facilitate compliance in an education and care service
Task 3 Prepare your service for an assessment visit.
Task Details of this task follow.
Resources required Class handouts and readings National Quality Standards for early childhood education and care and school age care 2009 NQS resources The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia 2009 My Time, Our Place framework for school age care 2011
Preparation Carefully read the guidelines for this task listed below.
CHCECE019 Facilitate Compliance In Edu & Care Service Assignment-CUA.
Task 3: Prepare your service for an assessment visit.
Using the resources available on the ACECQA website and in your class resources,
1. List all the tasks that your service would need to complete to be ready for a planned assessment of your service by an external assessor.
2. Explain the responsibilities of the Director, Area Representative, Management Committee or Owner, and the staff during the assessment visit.
3.List any resources that you have accessed that provided you with relevant and useful information about preparing and leading a service through an assessment visit. This could include any government and non-government consultants, agencies, resources or personnel.
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