CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education And Care Assignment – Australia

Subject Code & Title :- CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education And Care
Students are to answer all 12 written questions.
Access to textbooks and other learning materials.
Access to a computer and the Internet.
CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education And Care Assignment – Australia

CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education And Care Assignment - Australia

i.Students will do this task in the classroom or as homework – advise the students as to which is required.
ii.Workplace based students will do this task in their own time.
iii.Provide students with the due date for this assessment so they can write it in their Student Assessment Booklet.

If your assessor marks any of your answers as incorrect or insufficient they will make arrangements with you for resubmission. Your assessor may ask you some questions verbally to check your under standing or you may need to provide new written responses to the questions that were answered incorrectly. Your assessor will give you a due date by which this must be provided.

Your answers for each question.

i. This is an open book written assessment – you can use your learning materials as reference.
ii. You must answer all questions and their parts correctly to achieve a Satisfactory outcome for this task.
iii. Refer to the Glossary of Instructional Task Words for descriptions of instructional words to guide you in the level of response required in each question.

How do you keep up to date with current and sector developments? Provide at least three examples to support your response.

a) Have you ever used a mentor to support your professional development? If yes explain how this helped you achieve your personal or professional goals. If no, see b) below.

b) If you have not had the opportunity to use a mentor, explain why having a mentor would be helpful to you in your future career.

How will you ensure your knowledge and skills are current throughout your career?

Provide an example of how you have demonstrated each of the following legal and ethical considerations
within your professional practice:
1.Codes of practice.

2.Duty of care.

3.Rights and responsibilities as an educator.

4.Work role boundaries.

5.Limitations within your role.

Where could you go to network with other sector professionals? Provide at least three examples.

What additional training could you undertake to complement or enhance your current skills? Provide at least three examples.

What is your preferred learning style? Why is this effective?

Consider two of your peers you work closely with on a regular basis. For each peer identify their learning style and how this helps improve their learning experience.

CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education And Care Assignment - Australia

Explain how we learn through feedback and reflection. Why is this important?

CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education And Care Assignment – Australia

a) Describe a time when you developed a plan to achieve a personal or professional career goal.
Were your goals achieved? Why/Why not? How was your progress measured?

c) Consider your goal in regards to your study for this qualification.
Write your goal in the table below, then complete the table to explain why your goal is ‘SMART’.

CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education And Care Assignment - Australia

Consider the following situation:
Jed was not sure where he was going in life.
He went to TAFE when he finished school and started a course to qualify as a chef.
When he was half way through his course he realised that the hours for a chef were quite bad so he with drew.
Jed travelled for six months but his money soon ran out – he came home earlier than expected.
When he got home, he went to art school with a friend of his – that didn’t last as he wasn’t that good at art.

Now he is considering enrolling in the Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care. He has grown up in a big family with lots of children and thinks he would make a good carer.

All his friends have good jobs now and Jed feels that he is still in the same place he was when he first left school.

CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education And Care Assignment – Australia

Imagine you are Jed’s friend. Give him some advice so he can plan and focus on his goals.

You are working at Early Learning Centre and one of your colleagues who is an educator suddenly became very un well. They complained of tightness in the neck and shoulders early on in the day but now was in a cold sweat with a pressing pain in the chest. They were short of breath and clearly not well.

You called for your supervisor who was a first aid officer but she was out of the office. You suddenly realised that your colleague was in big trouble but despite being trained in first aid you felt like you didn’t know what to do.

You wasted precious minutes trying to find your mobile phone so you could ring the ambulance Luckily the person on the end of the line talked you through the process Once you started CPR you remembered
everything you had learnt. The ambulance arrived and took over from you.

Your colleague thank fully recovered in hospital and after they were released thanked you for your assistance and for how you responded that day.You had been feeling terrible since the incident because
of your panic.

Using one of the models of professional reflection for example Johns model Gibbs model or Atkins and Murphys model describe the process you would go through to reflect on your response to this incident.

a) Which model of reflection have you chosen?

CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education And Care Assignment – Australia

d) Describe the process that you would go through, using the scenario to explain your answer in your own

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