Subject Title: CAR10001 Planning For Career Success
Word/time limit: 2750 + video (+/- 10%)
Weighting: 50%
Assignment overview:
In this final assignment, you’ll compile a range of sample job hunting activities into a portfolio, aimed at helping you prepare for your ideal job. This assignment includes goals and a plan to achieve job readiness for your ideal job. This can be considered a road map that will get you from point A—choosing an occupation—to point B—becoming employed in that career.
CAR10001 Planning For Career Success Assignment Swinburne University Australia.

You Will use the Which Will draw together what You ve learned into a portfolio that analyses and summarises required skills and employment opportunities for your ideal job, and sets goals to establish job readiness and develop your career along a chosen career path. Section A of the template forms your career action plan, and Section B comprises your career toolkit.
Your professional portfolio is to be written in the present tense (at this point in your career) and will include the following:
Section A: Career action plan
Part 1: My profile
Part 2: My future statement
Part 3: My plan.
Section B: Career toolkit (1250 words)
Part 4: Sample job advertisement, Part 5: Sample cover letter (300 words) and Part 6: LinkedIn profile
Your professional portfolio is based on the ideal job you identified in Assignment 2: Research report and targeted around the job advertisement you chose in ‘Activity: Dissecting a job advertisement’ in
1.Find a job advert to focus on for this part of your assignment. If you completed the activity in Topic 5.3 in Week 5, you can use this advertisement. If not, you will need to search for a job advertisement for the ideal position you decided on in Week 3, or a job advertisement for a position you are ready to apply for now. Be sure to include correct
referencing details.
2.Copy and paste your chosen job advertisement into Part 4: Sample job advertisement (the job advertisement does not count towards the word count for this section).
3.Based on the job advert you’ve included, complete Part 5: Sample cover letter. You can use Cover letter builder on the My Career Toolkit website to create your cover letter (you’ll need to log in to Swin Employ—see Your cover letter should include:
1.Introduction and interest. State the role you are applying for, how you heard about it and why you are interested in the role.
2.Why you fit. Explain why you’re a good fit for the role.
3.More detail. Provide extra information selling yourself for the role.
4.Complete Part 6: LinkedIn profile (this does not count towards the word count for this section). For the purposes of this assignment, there is no need to create a LinkedIn profile, as you only need to fill in the details in the template.
Please note: The job advertisement and LinkedIn profile are not included in the 300-word count for this part of the assignment, but they must still be completed and included in your submission; they will be checked for logical flow.
Part 7: Interview response
1.Choose two interview questions from the sample questions on the You’ll need to log in to Swin Employ first.
2.Complete Part 7: Interview response with your two chosen questions and a response for each that includes:
1.a situation or task related to the question
2.the action you took
3.the result.
Target your interview responses to the job advertisement you have chosen in Part A.
Part 8: Elevator pitch
You’ll create a 30–60 second ‘elevator pitch’ video clip that markets one key strength identified in your SWOT for Part 3 (this is like a form of personal promotion). Ensure you carefully script what you are going to say and address one of your key strengths. Make sure the strength is targeted to the job advertisement you selected in Part 4. What is one
strength you identified in your SWOT that would be useful in this job position?
The link to your video will need to be uploaded to YouTube. The video can be set to ‘unlisted’, so only those with the link can view it. Add the link to your
along with the script of your elevator pitch. Note that the script does not contribute to the overall word count for this assignment. See the following supporting resources for more detail on creating your video and uploading it to YouTube.
CAR10001 Planning For Career Success Assignment Swinburne University Australia.

Part 9: Reflection
Based on your learning in this unit, and your own experiences, reflect on the following prompts and include your answers in Part 9: Reflection:
- Describe the activities undertaken that required tailored communication skills. Include details such as method (how you communicated), purpose (why you communicated) and audience.
- What were any differences/similarities in your approaches to each of the parts of this assignment?
- How would you describe your communication style/approach for each of your audiences in this assignment? Why did you adopt this approach?
- What did you learn about communication and your communication skills by completing the parts of this assignment? In what areas would you still like to improve?
- How do you think your career prospects/employ ability have been enhanced by undertaking this unit and developing your communication skills?
Be sure to refer to relevant research to support your reflection and self-evaluation and use the correct referencing conventions (APA or Swinburne Harvard style).
Part 10: Reference list (not included in word count)
Include a reference list (in APA or Swinburne Harvard style) with your submission for any sources, including the learning materials for the unit that you have cited in your reflection. This may be completed in Part 10 of your My Career Toolkit template.
Supporting resources
The following resources will assist you with completing this assignment:
Submission details overview
This assignment will be submitted through Canvas. When you are ready to submit your assignment, select the ‘Start Assignment’ button at the top of this page. You will be taken to the ‘File Upload’ tab where you can choose your file or submit your URL.
CAR10001 Planning For Career Success Assignment Swinburne University Australia.

Please note: When you submit your assignment through Canvas, you are also submitting the assignment through Turnitin, which is a text-matching service that compares your work with an international database of information sources. You will need to agree to using it.
Once you have submitted your assignment, select ‘Submission Details’ on the right of your screen to view your originality report if you haven’t already done so.
page in the Study Resources section of the Student Hub for several guides to assist with the submission process.
Re submissions after the due date without prior approval from your Unit Coordinator may not be marked.
Assignment support
Don’t forget that in addition to your eLAs who provide discipline-specific content advice, you can access the 24/7 draft writing service from Studiosity.
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