Subject Code & Title :- BUSM4590 People And Organisations
Assessment type : Report
Weighting : 20%
Overview :-
This assessment provides an opportunity for you to demonstrate your understanding of and capacity to apply the course concepts to real world cases. Increasingly workplaces are looking for employees who can add value by providing insightful understandings about ways in which the organisation can improve its performance.
BUSM4590 People And Organisations Assignment 1 – RMIT University AU.

Assessment criteria :-
This assessment will measure your ability to:
• Rubric criteria one: Technical Issues – Expression is articulate, clear and grammatical (10%)
• Rubric criteria two: Understanding – Demonstrates effective use of and understanding of the course
reading materials and the course topics (40%)
• Rubric criteria three: Critical Analysis – Answers all parts of the task and demonstrates development of
the ability to apply concepts and ideas taken from research and practice to arrive at an insightful under standing of real world cases (50%)
Course learning outcomes :-
This assessment is relevant to the following course learning outcomes:
CLO1 Demonstrate an advanced and integrated understanding of the influence of employees and teams in the context of organizational performance
CLO2 Critically analyse and synthesise theoretical and practical examples of contemporary organisational behaviour issues and practices
CLO3 Critically analyse synthesize and apply theoretical knowledge and perspectives to develop practical solutions for managing people in organizations
Assessment details :-
Critically analyse the following two (2) questions. You will select relevant theories and workplace examples (note: students are strongly encouraged to use their own workplace experiences and examples) to provide a set of logical,well supported (by the academic literature) recommendations:
1. Mintzberg outlined several distinct components in organisational structures and five types of structures in his original articles.Give examples of at least two or more organisational structures using real life examples where there are different dominant components of the organisational structure. In your response consider some of the HR management requirements needed to support employee performance in these structures.
2.According to self-determination theory there are three psychological needs. These are competence
autonomy and relatedness. Explain how you, as an HR manager, would support these psychological
needs in the work place while also maintaining productivity.
Word limit :-
The word limit for this assessment is 1500 words (+/-10%). The word count excludes the cover sheet
title page table of contents executive summary appendices and reference list.
Presentation requirements :
This assessment requires use of the RMIT Harvard Referencing System.
You must use core references from the reading list and your own references from research. These can include: academic (refereed journals) and non-academic sources (quality news media trade industry journals). A minimum of eight (8) external references are required in addition to references from the reading list.
It is recommended that you address each question individually.
BUSM4590 People And Organisations Assignment 1 – RMIT University AU.
Criteria for marking :
Your report will be marked according to evidence of:
• Expression which is articulate, clear, and grammatical
• Demonstrated effective use of and understanding of the course reading materials and the course topics
• Answers which demonstrate that you are developing the ability to apply concepts and ideas taken from research and practice to arrive at an insightful understanding of real world cases
• Extent to which the answers effectively address all aspects of the task
Note: this assessment task is not asking you to simply summarise the reading materials. Answers should providean effective balance between exposition and explanation.
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