Subject Code & Title : BUS102 Management Principles
Unit description :
Management practices are conducted at each level of an organisation. Where an organisation may be defined as a cooperative of actors sharing common goals management articulates goals and helps members of an organisation to achieve them.This unit introduces students to the concept of management in different business environments, providing a broad overview of management functions. It focuses on concepts and theories that inform practices in the field of management such as planning organising leading and facilitating. Such practices are performed in profit and non-profit organisations including commercial businesses public services and social clubs. The course work provides students with essential tools to develop and apply critical thinking to solve management problems in class work and in vocational environments.
BUS102 Management Principles Assignment – Australia.

1.4 Student workload

1.6 Work-integrated learning activity
Not Applicableplicable
1.7 Prerequisites and corequisites
☐ Yes ☒ No
If yes, provide details of the prerequisite or co-requisite requirements below.
1.8 Other resource requirements
☐ Yes ☒ No
If yes, provide details of the prerequisite or co-requisite requirements below.
2.1 Unit Learning Outcomes (ULO)
Unit Learning Outcomes (ULO) :
On successful completion of this unit students will be able to:
ULO 1. Apply management theories and processes to changing business environments.
ULO 2. Identify how different biases affect decision making in management style
ULO 3. Design a management strategy based on organizational culture and diversity.
ULO 4. Discuss environmental, sustainability and social responsibility concerns in relation to business management.
ULO 5. Demonstrate the ability to work effectively as a team member within an organisation.
2.2 Topics included in the unit

Assessment Tasks :
Assessment 1: Quizzes- Online (Individual) Students will complete 5 quizzes (20 minutes per quiz) throughout the semester. Feedback on
accuracy of answers and therefore mastery of unit content will be built into the quizzes.
Assessment 2: Presentation & Written Summary :
PART A: Group discussion. But need to submit video presentation (03 minutes video recording with PowerPoint presentation):
During the period allotted by the lecturer, students will analyse a particular management procedure of a hypothetical organisation with two other students (in week 02 or week 03). The other students (need to mention their full name and CIHE Student ID in the presentation) will act as an assistant manager and a general employee of the organisation, respectively.
Within three minutes of individual video recording the meeting agenda, views, and decisions of management practices must be presented.
PART B: Individual written summary 2000 words:
This section will consist of a 2000-word written summary of the topic discussed in the video presentation.
2.4.Assessment Detail :
Assessment 1: FIVE (5) Online Quizzes (Individual) 50%
There are FIVE online quizzes throughout the semester. Each quiz worth 10 marks and is comprised of Multiple Choice Question (MCQ)/ short answer types of question or both.

Assessment 2: Video Presentation & Written Summary (Group and Individual) 50%
This assessment has two parts.
PART A: Individual Video Presentation: 20% (03 minutes individual Presentation after group class discussion)
1) You lecturer will allocate time in week 02 or 03 for discussing a particular management decision issue with other two students. You can make an arrangement by yourself as well.
2) Analyse the managerial practices of an organisation discussed in the class. For example, company X’s limitation on the use of plastic to protect the environment. This example of managerial practice will be covered in the Week 3 workshop (Managing Social Responsibility and Ethics).
3) Consult with the lecturer about your choice of topic and then do a meeting with other two students of your class. The other students (need to mention their full name and CIHE Student ID in the presentation) will act as an assistant manager and a general employee of the organisation, respectively.
4) Film a short video presenting the findings of your analysis. Within three minutes of the presentation the meeting agenda, views, and decisions of management practices must be presented.
5) Pose questions, discuss options or solutions to the issues arising (there is not just ‘one answer’) and present a clear argument for the recommended solutions to the questions you post. Include evidence of the research you do to more fully understand the topic and acknowledge all source of information.
BUS102 Management Principles Assignment – Australia.
6) In the video presentation, each student should speak for three (3) minutes. Use a smartphone to record your video and use any FREE online video editing tools for pre/post-production.
7) Upload the video in YouTube and submit the link to the teacher on the presentation week (week 06).
8) Your video presentation will be assessed against the following general criteria: Content and quality of information; effective communication through professional delivery and effective use of tools and technologies.
BUS102 Management Principles Assignment – Australia.

PART B: Written Summary (Individual): 30%
1.Write a 2000-word (double spaced, 12pt font) summary based on PART A video presentation or PPT presentation and core findings.
2.During writing consider how the topic/ideas you analysed and discussed in the presentation reflected the relevant contents/topics /readings. Refer to marking rubric for detail.
All assignments with the standard assignment cover sheet must be submitted through the MyCIHE site in MS Word format. No email/hard copy submission will be accepted.
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