Assessment Task Title:
Drafting a complex document: Formal business report
1.Draft a formal business report using the instructions, corporate information and document content requirements from Assessment 1: Planning a
2.Although this document is called a draft, it should be fully completed, thoroughly checked and edited, and treated as the final version of your report.
3.Your report must include the following content and structure:
BSBWRT411 Drafting A Complex Document Formal Business Report – Victoria University Australia.

Report content:
Word count
The total word count of the report must be approx. 1000-1500 words (approx. 2-3 pages), not including cover pages, table of contents, appendices or referencing.
A range of report topics are provided. Choose one. The report should provide a broad overview of the organisation which can be used as general information for public release.
Writing style:
The report should be written using formal business language. All text should be written in the‘third person’ – no direct references to yourself and no personal opinions. All information should be prepared as would a news reporter observing the organisation.
The document must be prepared in accordance with the specified requirements.
Style Sheet:
Heading Level 1 – using key text colour relevant to the organisation
Heading Level 2 – using alternative text colour relevant to organisation
Normal text – black text Arial size 11
Shown on each page except the cover. Contains the report title – justified to the right
BSBWRT411 Drafting A Complex Document Formal Business Report – Victoria University Australia.

Author name – justified to the left
Report creation date – centred
Automated page number – justified to the right
Cover page
Provides a clear indication of the report content. Should include:
Formal title of the report
Name of the author
Report completion date
Header and footer should NOT be shown on the cover (use different first page option)
Automated table of contents:
Provides a list of headings, sub-headings and page numbers in the report. This must be an automated table of contents created using MS Word tools.
A short summary of the research report. Provides the reader with an overview of the contents of the report. This section is written after the body of the report is complete.
Body of the report (do not use this title as a heading in the report)
General information of the report – divided into headings and subheadings. This provides the reader with a broad overview of the nature of the organisation. Suggested headings may include:
Background/history – where or how the organisation began
Core business – functions / divisions / operations / locations
Current focus, ethics, challenges
Future plans or development strategies
Summary: A brief overview of the report content with a concluding statement
Artwork, photos or logos which are relevant to the organisation – at least 1 graphic must be used
Coloured text which is relevant to the organisation or cover image
Do not copy and paste large sections of information directly from a company website or any other resource. Any small citations, paraphrasing or images collected from any external source must be fully referenced using the AGLC referencing system.
All assessments submitted via VU Collaborate are subject to evaluation by plagiarism detecting software. The total of all copied text must not exceed 15% of your word count.
A minimum of 5 reference sources must be used.
At least 2 resources must be from books, journals or other relevant sources.
A complete list of all resources which were consulted when collecting the research information – both cited and uncited.
The bibliography must be listed using AGLC referencing format.
Documents to submit
Submit your draft report in MS Word e-file format via VU Collaborate with a signed VU Assessment Cover Sheet in a separate file.
Also refer to the instructions for submitting assessments section in this document.
BSBWRT411 Drafting A Complex Document Formal Business Report – Victoria University Australia.

Due dates
Documents must be submitted on, or before the due date.Late submissions will not be assessed until Week 14. This severely limits the time available for re submissions if required.
Criteria for Satisfactory Performance of Assessment Task 2
Your teacher will evaluate your work according to the criteria for satisfactory performance of the task listed below. If you wish to, you may use the “self-assess” column to evaluate your own performance against each criterion.

BSBWRT411 Drafting A Complex Document Formal Business Report – Victoria University Australia.
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