BSBPMG515 Task 2 Manage Project Human Resources Assignment-Greenwich MCA

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BSBPMG515 Task 2 Manage Project Human Resources Assignment-Greenwich Management College Australia.

Demonstrated ability to:

1.Determine resource requirements for individual tasks to determine required project personnel levels and competencies.
2.Establish project organisation and structure to align individual and group competencies with project tasks.
3.Allocate personnel to the project to meet planned work outputs throughout project timeline.
4.Apply human resources management (HRM) methods, techniques and tools to support engagement and performance of personnel.
5.Identify and plan ongoing development and training of project team members to support personnel and project performance

This is evidenced by:
1.Development of WBS (Task 2.1A)
2.Development of a project human resource plan (Task 2.1B)
3.Collaboration with project team as evidenced by the Role-Play in Task 2.2

Demonstrated ability to:

1.Negotiate, define and communicate clear project role descriptions

This is evidenced by:
Role-Play in Task 2.2 – see observation checklist.

When working with the project team, the student has actively participated in group work with a substantial contribution that can be assessed individually for all the requirements of this task.

BSBPMG515 Task 2 Manage Project Human Resources Assignment-Greenwich Management College Australia.
Task 2 Manage Project Human Resources Assignment

BSBPMG515 Task 2 Manage Project Human Resources Assignment-Greenwich Management College Australia.

Task 2 – Plan Project Human Resources

Task summary and instructions :
What is this assessment task about?
Refer to and read the documents saved in a separate folder:
a)MMI Company profile and project task
b)Policies and Procedures

You have been recently engaged by XYZ Pty Ltd trading as MMI as a Project Manager to develop and implement a project to open a new campus in Sydney (refer to MMI strategic objectives).
1.The board of directors has allocated 3 million dollars to the project.
2.Project duration: 1 year.
3.You can employ four new staff members to be part of the project team for the duration of the project. The rest of the staff must be sourced from existing MMI personnel (flexible work arrangements will be needed).

The project includes:
1.Finding premises in Sydney CBD (800-1000 square metres, onsite parking for staff, natural light)Ideally, there will be enough room for 5-7 classes, one meeting room, one computer lab, 1 x student kitchen, student lounge, 1 x staff kitchen, three offices for staff, toilet facilities.
2.Rent the premise
3.Obtain necessary permits
4.Source architect and building company
5.Source and buy furniture and equipment
6.Liaise with the architect and building company

The project steering committee is composed of:
a.Mr Eli Brown – Non-executive Director
b.Mr Leonard Black – CFO
c.Academic Manager (Jacob Graham)

The project sponsor is Taylor Varin (Client Service Manager),played by the trainer and assessor.

BSBPMG515 Task 2 Manage Project Human Resources Assignment-Greenwich Management College Australia.

BSBPMG515 Task 2 Manage Project Human Resources Assignment-Greenwich Management College Australia.

Complete the following activities:

Task 2.1 Plan project human resources

Read the scenario for assessment and consult with the project team, taking into consideration input and feedback from the project team when completing this task.

Consult with the project sponsor (played by the trainer and assessor in the simulated work environment) as needed.

A) Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

Develop a Work Breakdown Structure to set out the project organisation and structure. This will help you align individual and group competencies with project tasks.
You can develop the WBS as a chart or as a list; it can be by function or by project phase.

B) Project Human Resource Plan

Determine the human resource requirements for the project and complete the project human resource plan in Template 1. Follow the instructions provided.

Template 1 -Project Human Resource Plan
Project Human Resources Management Approach

Outline the following:
1.Outline the significant inputs into the HR plan (2-3)
2.Outline what HR legislations,regulations and policy and procedures are taken into consideration and why (3-4)
3.Outline what issues could impact on project HR management (2-3)

Project Team Recruitment and Selection Strategy
Summarise how the project team is recruited and selected (50-80 words)

Project Team Performance Review Strategy
Summarise how the work performance of the project team is monitored and reviewed. (40-80 words)

Project Team engagement strategy
Summarise how the project team is engaged and how a collaborative, efficient and innovative work environment is created for the team. (40-80 words) .

BSBPMG515 Task 2 Manage Project Human Resources Assignment-Greenwich Management College Australia.
Task 2 – Plan Project Human Resources

BSBPMG515 Task 2 Manage Project Human Resources Assignment-Greenwich Management College Australia.

Task 2.2 Negotiate and communicate project roles

Schedule a time with the team in week 3 of class.
Perform a Role-Play.

You are the Project Manager in charge of the project. During the Role-Play you will communicate,negotiate, and define the project roles as defined in the project human resource plan.

This is an assessable task, and the trainer and assessor will observe and evaluate your performance during the Role-Play.

If you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to make alternative arrangements with the trainer and assessor to perform the Role-Play.

Before the meeting
1.Make sure that you have completed the project human resource plan
2.Anticipate objections from the team
3.Determine non-negotiable

During the meeting
1.Briefly illustrate the human resource plan
2.Communicate the project roles
3.Ask the team for inputs and feedback
4.Negotiate the project roles and agree on them

After the meeting
1.Summarise the outcome of the meeting below
2.Apply any change/adjustments negotiated with the team to the human resource plan before submission.
3.Please note that the trainer and assessor will check that the feedback received by the team has been applied to the human resource plan.

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