Subject Code&Title: BMO6050 Leadership
Weight: 30%
Length: Minimum 1500 words
Assignment Type: Individual reflection
Leadership is a valued constant in our lives and in organisations. Reflecting this importance, people & organisations invest in developing capabilities in many ways (via formal training, developmental activities and self-help activities). One of our greatest avenues of learning about how to lead and manage is from personal & professional life experiences. By reflecting on your life experience(s), I hope you discover some of what resonates most with you about your approach to leadership.
BMO6050 Leadership Assignment Victoria University Australia.

The task:
Write a personal reflection on what you understand leadership (as a process) to be, and why (what early experiences or examples inform this view). You can use the grid below as a guide to your reflection.
Select a personal experience or experiences as an individual in a group and/or organisation. For example: describe a leadership moment or event and then explore ideas such as:
- What seems important to you in a group or when you lead a group
- What assumption, for example, under pin your views of leadership
- What are typical performance ideals that you have of effective leaders
- Where you are most comfortable/uncomfortable in a leadership context
- Try to demonstrate that you have thought deeply about how you view leadership both professionally and personally, and how you will try to manage & lead in the future.
- Your lecturer will regard your reflection in the strictest confidence.
- Format – You can submit in a Diary Format or Essay.
- References are not essential, unless used to clarify a specific term or idea. This is NOT a research essay or literature review.
General Guidelines for Assignments:
1.All assignments must be your own work, be of a professional and “post-graduate” standard. They should include critical analysis and incorporate theory from relevant research.
2.Assignments should be typed using Times New Roman, 1.5 lines spacing and font size 11.
a.All sources of information should be acknowledged in a standard manner – Harvard in-text referencing is suggested. Please refer either to one of the recommended journals for an appropriate format. If web based access, you must show access date details.
b.Please consult the lecturer before conducting any interviews, even in your own organisation.
c.Assignment style should be based on normal academic formats. Headings and sub-headings are likely to add value for the reader and help the structure of your paper.
d. End notes and use of footnotes should be avoided, but include a reference list.
BMO6050 Leadership Assignment Victoria University Australia.
3.Plagiarism will result in a significant penalty deduction, and may result in a “FAIL” grade. The practice of ‘block copying’ from references is considered as plagiarism.
BMO6050 Leadership Assignment Victoria University Australia.

4.Assignments should be submitted in class on the due date. Late submissions will incur a penalty per day, in accordance with school guidelines.
5.A cover sheet (& declaration) should be attached to the front of each assignment. The cover sheet should include a signed declaration that confirms that work submitted is your own, not written by anyone else, and not been submitted for any other subject or course that you have taken. If such a signed statement does not appear, the paper cannot be assessed.
6.If your paper has been carried out in groups, you need to add a statement to the effect that you have contributed equally to the paper (or, if not, in what proportions the work was carried out). Where the contributions to a joint paper have been equal a shared mark will be assigned, otherwise marks will be apportioned according to contribution. In the event of a dispute the lecturer may determine either to require each student to write on an alternative topic or some other arrangement as appropriate.
7.For the critical thinking (CT) aspects of any paper, review the basic components of ‘Critical Thinking’provided in this outline. I am interested in your thoughts after consideration of suitable research sources, as opposed to a simple repetition of text.
8.Participation: attendance is assumed; the aim is to build a culture of thinking in classrooms and a community of inquiry. Key aims: focus of effort, persistence, and influence.
Performance Based Assessment Guide – An Outline Framework
A ‘teaching for understanding’ framework is illustrated in the table below. Understanding is characterised across four dimensions “knowledge, methods, purposes and forms” and four levels “naïve, novice, apprentice
and master” (Wiske 1998: 172) . The framework is a conceptual tool to examine students’ understanding and to orient future work. It needs to be adapted to the specific content, contexts and levels of instruction being used.
The assessment scale for the Knowledge dimension only is illustrated in the table below.

A performance based stance casts teachers less in the role of informers and testers and more in the role of facilitators or coaches. Lectures and tests are supportive activities and not central activities. The main agenda is arranging, supporting and sequencing performances of understanding. This vision of teaching, David Perkins says (in Wiske, 1998), aligns well with other contemporary conceptions of pedagogy including building
a culture of thinking in classrooms and the idea of communities of inquiry. It suggests broad principles for learner and teacher alike such as learning for understanding through reflexive engagement in challenging performances, a gradual development of understanding building on previous understanding and a logically progressive chain of performances of increasing challenge and variety (Wiske 1998)
BMO6050 Leadership Assignment Victoria University Australia.

Graduate Capabilities:
Victoria University’s Graduate Capabilities are generic skills that all students should possess at graduation.These skills are in addition to the specific knowledge and skills associated with the discipline area of students’
degrees. Graduate Capabilities are divided into five levels (for under graduates) and will be achieved progressively with increasing levels of sophistication. A full description of the Graduate Capabilities can be found in the VU Graduate Capabilities policy pages 7-8.
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